關 於 / About & Contact

「Liao Studio 有料革製設計所」,一個不斷設計、開發、製作皮革製品的空間。

Liao Studio, where leather works are continuously designed, developed and fabricated.

廖依琦,設計者與製作者,2012年開始接受設計、製作案件,2016年成立「Liao Studio 有料革製設計所」(有料有限公司)。接受皮件設計製作案件12年,目前獨立經營工作室,接受個人皮件用品、傢俱附件、皮革包覆(蒙皮)…等等訂製案件,也接受企業禮贈品、業務用品訂單,如台積電、台灣康寧、JINS、台南友愛街旅館、三井餐飲集團…等等都是曾經的客戶。作品專注於使用者需求,自用料、版型、工法切入,以工藝精神設計製作。

Liao Yi-Chi, an individual designer and producer, launched her career providing design and manufacturing services for custom cases in 2012 and established “Liao Studio” in 2016. She has been working in the leather industry for 12 years and making unique custom leather products, furniture accessories, leather coverings, and corporate gifts, including various projects, such as TSMC, Coring, JINS, U.I.J Hotel & Hostel, and Mitsui Taipei, etc. Her works focused on the user needs, material selections, unique patterns, and artisanal methods, all products designed and produced in craft spirits.



・客製化溝通/Customized Service
・設計開發/Design & Development
・手工製作/Handmade Craft
・批量生產/Mass Production


・訂製諮詢時間|預約制|週一 – 週五|09:00 – 18:00
・Office Phone: (+886) 2 2552 2226


LIAO STUDIO 有料革製設計所 
有料有限公司 ©2017